Page:The Lucknow album 1874 by Darogha Ubbas Alli.djvu/46

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( 37 )

after the commencement of the siege. He died on the third or fourth day afterwards. Sensible to the last, his final request was, that nothing should be inscribed on his tomb except the words —


Who tried to do his duty ;


Leaving the small, grim-looking archway, which formed the principal entrance to the Residency (View No. 33), on the south is the site of the Post Office Garrison, where Major Anderson of the Bengal Engineers died from long sickness, and where the brave Mace of Her Majesty's 32nd also expired from the effects of wounds received while leading a sortie on the Cawnpore road.

Adjoining, was Sago's Garrison where Bryson, a brave volunteer, was shot while endeavouring to repair a gap in the roof; a little above this, was the Judicial Garrison, a very important, but much exposed post, defended by Sikhs and volunteers who fought desperately. On the opposite side of the road, the enemy held a very strong position behind loop-holed walls, where, secure from British bullets, they kept up an incessant galling fire on the Garrison, which was thus placed almost at their mercy. The enemy made many determined attempts to enter the entrenchment at this spot, but were invariably repulsed by its brave defenders under Major Gorman, 13th Native Infantry. Here Lieutenant Green of the same regiment died from exhaustion caused by the severity of his duties ; and one brave volunteer was shot through the head.

A few yards to the south was Anderson's out-post which, from its position, close to the Cawnpore Battery, was terribly exposed to the fire of the enemy : the roof was battered down, falling on the heads of the defenders. The Commandant, Captain Anderson, 25th Native Infantry, and Mr. Capper,