Page:The Lusiad (Camões, tr. Mickle, 1791), Volume 2.djvu/130

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Vengeance as sudden every wound repays,
Full on their fronts our flashing lightnings blaze;
Their shrieks of horror instant pierce the sky,
And wing'd with fear at fullest speed they fly.
Long tracks of gore their scatter'd flight betray'd,
And now, Veloso to the fleet convey'd,
His sportful mates his brave exploits demand,
And what the curious wonders of the land:
"Hard was the hill to climb, my valiant friend,
"But oh! how smooth and easy to descend!
"Well hast thou proved thy swiftness for the chase,
"And shewn thy matchless merit in the race!"
With look unmoved the gallant youth reply'd,
"For you, my friends, my fleetest speed was try'd;
"'Twas you the fierce barbarians meant to slay;
"For you I fear'd the fortune of the day;
"Your danger great without mine aid I knew,
"And swift as lightning to your rescue flew."
