Page:The Lusiad (Camões, tr. Mickle, 1791), Volume 2.djvu/88

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« Transfix'd with three Iberian spears, the gay,
« The knightly lover, young Hilario lay:
« Though, like a rose, cut off in opening bloom,
« The hero weeps not for his early doom;
« Yet trembling in his swimming eye appears
« The pearly drop, while his pale cheek he rears;
« To call his loved Antonia's name he tries,
« The name half utter'd, down he sinks, and dies.»

Now through his shatter'd ranks the monarch strode,
And now before his rallied squadrons rode:
Brave Nunio's danger from afar he spies,
And instant to his aid impetuous flies.
So when returning from the plunder'd folds,
The lioness her empty den beholds,
Enraged she stands, and listening to the gale,
She hears her whelps low howling in the vale;
The living sparkles flashing from her eyes,
To the Massylian shepherd-tents she flies;
She groans, she roars, and echoing far around
The seven twin-mountains tremble at the sound:
