Page:The Lusitania's Last Voyage (lusitaniaslastvo00lauriala).djvu/129

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The Lusitania's Last Voyage

whose destruction was announced with perfect clearness in advance, to a ship equipped like a cruiser, more powerfully than any German protected cruiser, with twelve 15 centimeter guns? They mocked at us when we gave warning. Let them turn to those who committed the crime of allowing passengers to travel on a war vessel.

Berlin, May 8. The impression created by the sinking of the Lusitania will extend far beyond the borders of Germany and England, and we may at once assume that neutral voices also will arise to deeply deplore the loss of a large number of passengers. Every human life is, of course, valuable, and its loss deplorable, but, measured by the methods of this world war, by the methods introduced by our enemies, forcing us to retaliatory measures in self-defence, the death of non-combatants is a matter of no consequence. The standards observed among

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