Page:The Lusitania's Last Voyage (lusitaniaslastvo00lauriala).djvu/60

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The Lusitania's Last Voyage

The hospitality of the manageress was "Imperial" and the "Bar" was good.

At the door we found a Mr. and Mrs. K——. He was badly injured. He had been brought to the hotel by the reserves on a stretcher. He was not in bad enough shape to go to a hospital, but he couldn't walk. The K——'s got a double room and McM—— and I took the other spare room.

He turned in and I turned out. I went down into the town, for I knew I could be of help to some of the survivors. I got back at midnight and went to bed. I didn't have to lie awake and think about going to sleep, for I had been standing and moving around under a strain for some 10 hours, so I just passed off into a dead, dreamless sleep. My clothes were almost dry, and I wasn't suffering from a chill. We have always heard that Scottish hospitality is ac-

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