Page:The Lusitania's Last Voyage (lusitaniaslastvo00lauriala).djvu/64

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The Lusitania's Last Voyage

he told me he'd probably lose his job if the draft turned out bad. The £40.0.0 was a God-send. I divided it up into as small fractions as possible, and it was able to help out a number of people.

Right here I want to say that the United States consul at Queenstown, Wesley Frost, is a real man, and before noon word had been passed around that Ambassador Page had sent him plenty of funds for all Americans. Perhaps if I had known this money was coming, I wouldn't have given that honest Irish paying teller in the bank such an attack of heart disease.

Then I went back to the "Bar" and my landlady gave me a real breakfast, for I felt that I needed to get stoked up a bit before I took on the unhappy task of viewing the bodies to see if I could identify any of my fellow passengers. It was a hard thing to put through, and I regret to say that it was

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