Page:The Mahabharata (Kishori Mohan Gangopadhyay, First Edition) Volume 17.djvu/13

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Section I.

Bowing down unto Nārāyana, and to Nara, the foremost of men, as also to the goddess Saraswati, should the word Jaya be uttered.

Janamejaya said,—"Having heard of that encounter with iron bolts between the heroes of the Vrishni and the Andhaka races, and having been informed also of Krishna's ascension to Heaven, what did the Pāndavas do?"1

Vaiçampāyana said,—"Having heard the particulars of the great slaughter of the Vrishnis, the Kaurava king set his heart on leaving the world. He addressed Arjuna, saying,2—'O thou of great intelligence, it is Time that cooks every creature (in his cauldron). I think that what has happened is due to the cords of Time (with which he binds us all). It behooveth thee also to see it.'3 Thus addressed by his brother, the son of Kunti only repeated the word—'Time, Time!'— and fully endorsed the view of his eldest brother gifted with great intelligence.4 Ascertaining the resolution of Arjuna, Bhimasena and the twins fully endorsed the words that Arjuna had said.5 Resolved to retire from the world for earning merit, they brought Yuyutsu before them. Yudhishthira made over the kingdom to the son of his uncle by his Vaiçyā wife.6 Installing Parikshit also on their throne, as king, the eldest brother of the Pāndavas, filled with sorrow, addressed Subhadrā, saying,7—'This son of thy son will be the king of the Kurus. The survivor of the Yadus, viz., Vajra, has been made a king.8 Parikshit will rule in Hastināpura, while the Yādava prince, Vajra, will rule in Cakraprastha.