Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/108

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name of Jaratkaru. And that best of Yayāvaras and virtuous and vow-observing Brahmana once undertook a journey over the world, equipped with spiritual energy. And he visited divers holy spots, and rested where night overtook him. And he practised religious austerities hard to be practised by men of undeveloped minds. And the sage lived upon air and renounced sleep for ever. Thus going about like flaming fire, one day he happened to see his ancestors, hanging head foremost in a great hole, their feet pointing to the sky. On seeing them, Jaratkaru addressed them thus:—'Who are ye thus hanging head foremost in this hole by a rope of virana fibres that is again secretly eaten into on all sides by rats living here?'

"The ancestors said, 'We are vow-observing Rishis of the Yayavara sect. We have come by this low state in consequence of want of descendants. We have a son named Jaratkaru. Woe is us! that wretch hath entered upon a life of austerities and the fool doth not think of raising offspring by marriage. It is for that reason that we have met with this fate. Having means, we fare like wretches as if we had none. Pray, O excellent one, who art thou that thus sorrowest as a friend on our account? We are desirous to learn who thou art standing by us, and why thou sorrowest for us.'

"Jaratkaru said, 'Ye are even my ancestors. I am that Jaratkaru. O tell me how I may serve ye!'

"The fathers then answered, 'Try thy best, O child, to beget a son to extend our line. Thereby thou wilt achieve, O excellent one, a meritorious act for both thyself and ourselves! Not by doing one's duties, not by practising penances, one acquireth the merit one doth by being a father. Therefore, O child, at our command, do thou make up thy mind to marry and produce offspring. Herein consisteth our chief good.' And Jaratkaru replied, 'I shall not marry for my sake nor earn wealth for enjoyment, but I shall do so for your welfare alone. In proper time, and according to the ordinance, I shall take a wife so that I may attain the end. I shall not do otherwise. If a bride may be had of the same name with me, whose friends would besides willingly give