Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/148

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And so ends the thirty-fifth Section in the Astika of the Adi Parva.

Section XXXIV.
(Astika Parva continued.)

Saunaka said, "O child, thou hast named many of the serpents gifted with great energy and incapable of being easily overcome. What did they do after hearing of that curse?" Sauti said, "The illustrious Shesha amongst them, of great renown, leaving his mother, practised hard penances, living upon air and rigidly observing his vows. And he was engaged in these ascetic devotions, having arrived at Gandhamadana, Vadari, Gokarna, the woods of Pushkara, and the foot of Himavat. And he passed his days in those sacred regions, some of which were sacred for their waters and others for their soil, in the rigid observance of his vows, with a singleness of aim and his passions in complete control. And the Grand-father of all saw him—that ascetic with knotted hair and clad in rags, his flesh, skin, and sinews dried up, owing to the hard penances he was practising. And the Grand-father addressing him—that penance-practicing one of firm fortitude, said, 'What is this that thou doest, O Shesha? Let the welfare of the creatures of the worlds also engage thy thoughts. O thou sinless one, thou art afflecting all creatures by thy hard penances. O Shesha, tell me the desire that is implanted in thy breast.'

"And Shesha replied, 'My uterine brothers are all of wicked hearts. I do not desire to live amongst them. Let this be sanctioned by thee. Like enemies, thy are always jealous of one another. I am therefore engaged in ascetic devotions: I will not see them even. They never show any kindness for Vinata and her son. Indeed, Vinata's son, capable of ranging through the skies, is another brother of ours. They always envy him. And he too is much stronger, from the bestowal of the boon by our father—the high-souled Kasyapa. For these, I am engaged in ascetic penances, and I