Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/221

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foes. And they were of great fame, of great energy and oppressors of all foes. And the sons of Kala were Vinashana; and Krodha, and then Krodha-hanta, and Krodha-shatru. And there were many others among the sons of Kala. And Sukra the son of a Rishi was the chief priest of the Asuras. And the celebrated Sukra had four sons who were priests of the Asuras. And they were Tashtadhara and Atri and two others, Radura and Karmi. They were like the Sun himself in energy, and devoted to Brahma and the welfare of the worlds.

"Thus hath been recited by me, as heard in the Purana, the progeny of the gods and the Asuras both of great strength and energy. I am incapable, O king, of counting the descendants of these, countless as they are and not much known to fame.

"And the sons of Vinata were Tarkhya, Arishta-nemi, and then Gadura and Aruna, Aruni, and Varuni. And Shesha, Anata, Vasuki, Takshaka, Kurma, and Kulika, are known to be the sons of Kadru; and Bhima-sena, Ugra-sena, Suparna, Varuna, Gopati, and Dhrita-rashtra, and Surya-varcha the seventh; Satyavak, Arkaparna, Prayuta, Bhima, and Chitraratha known to fame, of great learning, and the controller of his passions, and then Shalishira, and, O king, Parjannya, the fourteenth in the list; Kali, the fifteenth, and Narada, the sixteenth; these Devas and Gandharvas are known to be the sons of Muni (Dak-ha's daughter as mentioned before.) I shall recount many others, O Bharata! Anavadya, Manu, Vansa Asurā, Margana-pria, Anupa, Suvaga, Vasi, were the daughters brought forth by Pradha. Sidha, and Purna, and Varhi, and Purnayu of great game; Brahmachari, Ratiguna, and Suparna who was the seventh; Viswavasu, Vann, and Shuchandra who was the tenth, were also the sons of Pradha; and they were gods some of them and some Gandharvas. And it is also known that this Pradha of great good fortune by the celestial Rishi (Kasyapa her husband) brought forth the sacred race of the Apsaras. Alamvusa, Misra-keshi, Vidyut-parna, Tilot-tama, Aruna, Rakshita, Ramva, Monorama, Keshini, Suvahu, Surarta, Suraja, Supria, were the daughters, and Ativahu, and the