Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/226

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slayer of the Kshatrias. And he had his passions under complete control. And he had his passions under complete control. And Aurva had an hundred sons with Jamadagni the eldest. And these hundred sons had offspring by thousands spread over this Earth.

"And Brahma had two other sons, viz, Dhata and Vidhata, who stayed with Manu. Their sister is the auspicious Laksmi having her abode amid lotuses. And the spiritual sons of Laksmi are the sky-ranging horses. And the daughter born of Sukra, named Divi, became the eldest wife of Varuna. In her were born a son named Vala, and a daughter named Surā (wine) giving joy unto the gods. And Adharma (Sin) was born when creatures (from want of food) began to devour each other. And Adharma always destroys every creature. And Adharma had Niriti for his wife, whence the Rakshasas who are called Nairitas (offspring of Niriti.) And she hath also three other cruel sons always engaged in sinful deeds. They are Vaya (fear), Mahavaya (terror), and Mrityu (Death) who is always engaged in slaying every created thing. And all-destroyer as he is, he hath no wife, and no son. And Tamra brought forth five daughters known throughout the worlds. They are Kaki (crow), Shyeni (hawk), Vashi (hen), Dhrita-rashtra (goose), and Shuki (parrot). And Kaki brought forth the crows; Shyeni, the hawks; Vashi, the cocks and vultures; Dhrita-rashtri, all ducks and swans; and she also brought forth all Chakravakas; and the fair Shuki of amiable qualities and possessing all auspicious signs brought forth all the parrots. And Krodha gave birth to nine daughters all of wrathful disposition. And their names were Mrigi, Mrigamanda, Hari, Bhadramana, Matangi, Sharduli, Sheta, Suravi, and the agreeable Surasā blessed with every virtue. And, O thou foremost of men, the offspring of Mrigi are all animals of the deer species. And the offspring of Mrigamandā are all animals of the bear species and those called Srimara (swift-footed.) And Bhadramana begat the celestial elephant Airavata for her son. And the offspring of Hari are all animals of the monkey species endued with great activity and also all the horses. And those animals also that are called Golangula (the cow-tailed) are said to be the offspring of Hari. And Sharduli begat