Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/238

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in a proper frame of mind. And having listened to this account of incarnations, according to their portions, of gods, Gandharvas, and Rakshasas, the hearer becoming acquainted with the creation, preservation, and destruction of the universe and acquiring wisdom, is never depressed even under the most engrossing sorrows."

And so ends the sixty-seventh Section in the Sambhava of the Adi Parva.

Section LXVIII.
( Sambhava Parva continued. )

Janamejaya said, "O Brahmana, I have, indeed, heard from thee this account of the incarnation, according to their portions, of the gods, the Danavas, the Rakshasas, and also of the Gandharvas and the Apsaras. I, however, again desire to hear of the dynasty of the Kurus from the very beginning. Therefore, O Brahmana, speak of this in the presence of all these Brahmarshis!"

Vaisampayana said, "O exalted one of the Bharata race, the founder of the Paurava line was Dushmanta gifted with great energy. And he was the protector of the earth bounded by the four seas. And that king had full sway over four quarters of this world. And he was the lord also of various regions in the midst of the sea. And that great oppressor of all foes had sway over the countries even of the mlecchas.

And during his rule there were no men of mixed castes, no tillers of the soil (for the land of itself yielded produce), no workers of mines (for the surface of the earth yielded abundance), and no sinful men. All were virtuous, and did every thing from motives, O tiger among men, of virtue. There was no fear of thieves, O dear one, no fear of famine, no fear of disease. And all the four orders took pleasure in doing their respective duties and never performed religious acts for obtaining fruition of desires. And his subjects depending upon him never entertained any fear. And Parjannya (Indra) poured showers at the proper time and the produce of the fields was always pulpy and juicy. And the earth was full of all kinds