Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/291

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and decrepitude.' To this Druhyu answered, 'O king, one that is decrepit can never enjoy elephants and cars and horses and women. Even his voice becometh hoarse. Therefore I do not desire (to take) thy decrepitude.' Yayati told him, 'Thou art sprung from my heart, O son. But thou refusest to give me thy youth. Therefore thy most cherished desires shall never be accomplished. Thou shalt be king, only in name, of that region where there are no roads for the passage of horses and cars and elephants, and good vehicles, and asses, and goats and bullocks, and palanquins; where there is swimming only by rafts and floats.' Yayati next addressed Anu and said, Thou, O Anu, take my weakness and decrepitude. I shall with thy youth enjoy the pleasures of life for a thousand years.' To this Anu replied, 'Those that are decrepit always eat like children and are always impure. They can not pour libations on Agni in proper times. Therefore I do not like to take thy decrepitude.' Yayati told him, 'Thou art sprung from my heart. Thou givest me not thy youth. Thou findest so many faults in decrepitude. Therefore shall decrepitude overcome thee. And, O Anu, thy progeny also, as soon as they attain to youth, shall die. And thou shalt also not be able to perform sacrifices before Agni.'

"Yayati at last turned to his youngest child Puru, and addressing him said, 'Thou art, O Puru, my youngest son, But thou shalt be the first of all. Decrepitude, wrinkles, and whiteness of hair have come over me in consequence of the curse of Kavya called also Usana. I have not yet, however, been satiated with youth. O Puru take thou this my weakness and decrepitude! With thy youth I shall enjoy, for some years, the pleasures of life. And when a thousand years have passed away I shall give thee thy youth and take back my own decrepitude.'"

Vaisampayana said, "Thus addressed by the king, Puru answered with humility, 'I shall do, O monarch, as thou biddest me. I shall take, O king, thy weakness and decrepitude. Take thou my youth and enjoy as thou listeth the pleasures of life. Covered with thy decrepitude and becoming as one old, I shall, as thou commandest, continue to live, giving to