Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/335

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returned to his capital. And having reached his city that was like unto the celestial capital itself, that monarch of Puru's line regarded himself as greatly fortunate. And having summoned all the Pauravas together, for the protection of his kingdom he installed his son as his heir-apparent and associate on the throne. And, O thou bull of the Bharata race, the prince soon gratified by his behaviour, his father, and other members of the Paurava race, in fact, all the subjects of the kingdom. And the king of incomparable prowess, lived happily with that son of his.

"Four years had thus passed away, when the king one day went into the woods on the banks of the Yamuna (Jumna.) And while the king was rambling there he perceived a sweet scent coming from an unknown direction. And the monarch impelled by the desire of ascertaining the cause, wandered hither and thither. And in course of his rambles he beheld a black-eyed maiden of celestial beauty, the daughter of a fisherman. The king addressing her said, 'Who art thou, and whose daughter? What dost thou do here, O timid one!' She answered, 'Blest be thou. I am the daughter of the chief of the fishermen. At his command, for religious merit I am engaged in rowing passengers across this river in my boat.' And Shantanu beholding that maiden of celestial form endued with beauty, amiableness, and such fragrance, desired her for wife. And repairing unto her father the king solicited his consent to the proposed match. But the chief of the fishermen replied to the monarch, saying, 'O king, as soon as my daughter of superior complexion was born, it was, of course, understood that she should be bestowed upon a husband. But listen to the desire I have entertained all along in my heart. O sinless one, thou art truthful; if thou desirest to obtain this maiden in gift from me, give me thou this pledge. If, indeed, thou givest the pledge, I will truly bestow my daughter upon thee, for truly I can never obtain a husband for her equal to thee.'

"Shantanu, hearing this replied, 'When I have heard of the pledge thou askest, I shall then say whether I would be able to grant it or not. If it is capable of being granted, I shall certainly grant it. If otherwise, how shall I grant it?' The