Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/59

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sleeplessness of Dhrita-rashtra owing to his anxiety.) Then Sanat-sujata in which are the mysteries of spiritual philosophy. Then Yana-sandhi, and then the arrival of Krishna. Then the story of Matali, and then of Galava. Then the stories of Savitri, Vama-deva, and Vainya. Then the story of Yamadagnya and Shodasha-rajika. Then the arrival of Krishna at the court, and then Bidulaputra-shashana. Then the muster of troops and the story of Shetā. Then must you know comes the quarrel of the high-souled Karna. Then the march to the field of the troops of both sides. The next hath been called numbering the Rathis and Atirathas. Then comes the arrival of the messenger Uluka which kindled the wrath (of the Pandavas). The next that comes you must know is the story of Amba. Then comes the thrilling story of the installation of Bhisma as Commander-in-chief. The next is called the creation of the insular region Jambu; then Bhumi; then the account about the formation of islands. Then comes Bhagabat-gita; and then the death of Bhisma. Then the installation of Drona; then the destruction of the Sansaptakas. Then the death of Abhimanyu; and then the vow of Arjuna (to slay Jayadratha.) Then the death of Jayadratha, and then of Ghatot-kacha. Then must you know comes the story of the death of Drona of surprising interest. The next that comes is called the discharge of the weapon called Narayana. Then must you know is Karna, and then Salya. Then comes the immersion into the lake, and then the encounter (between Bhima and Duryodhana) with clubs. Then comes Swaraswata, and then the descriptions of holy shrines, and then genealogies. Then comes Sauptika describing incidents disgraceful (to the honor of the Kurus.) Then comes the Aishika of harrowing incidents. Then comes Jalapradana (oblations of water to the manes of the deceased), and then the wailings of the women. The next must be known as Shraddha describing the funeral rites performed for the slain Kauravas. Then comes the destruction of the Rakshasha Chárváka who had assumed the disguise of a Brahmana (for deceiving Yudhish-thira.) Then the coronation of the wise Yudhish-thira. The next is called the Grihaprabi-bhaga. Then comes Santi, then Rajadharma-anushasana, then