Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/681

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these boons unto Krishna and Arjuna, the lord of the Marutas accompanied by the celestials ascended to heaven, having also spoken to Hutāshana. And Agni also, having burnt that forest with its animals and birds for five and ten days, became gratified and extinguished himself. And having eaten flesh in abundance and drunk fat and blood, he became highly gratified, and addressing Achyuta and Arjunasaid, 'I have been gratified by ye two tigers among men. At my command, ye heroes, ye shall be competent to go whithersover ye choose.' Thus addressed by the illustrious Agni, Arjuna and Vāsudeva and the Dānava Maya also—these three—having wandered a little, at last sat themselves down on the delightful banks of a river."

Thus ends the two hundred and thirty-sixth Section in the Khāndava-dāha of the Adi Parva.