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relating to the match at dice and other subjects, are all stored up in my remembrance. Recollecting them I pass the whole night in (sleepless) anxiety. Deprived also (of the company) of the illustrious wielder of the Gandiva, on whom depend the lives of us all, I am almost deprived of life. Oh, when shall I see the sweet-speeched and large-hearted Vibhatsu so full of kindness and activity, return to us, having obtained all weapons? Is there a king on this earth who is more unfortunate than myself ? Hast thou ever seen or heard of any such before ? To my thinking, there is no man more wretched than I am.’

“Vrihadaswa said, ‘O great king, O son of Pandu, thou sayest, ‘There is no person more miserable than I am’ O sinless monarch, if thou wilt listen, I wiil relate unto thee the history of a king more wretched than thyself.’

Vaisampayana continued, “And thereupon the king said unto the ascetic, ‘O illustrious one, tell me, I desire to hear the history of the king who had fallen into such a condition.’

“Vrihadaswa said, ‘O king, O thou that never fallest off, listen attentively with thy brothers. I will narrate the history of a prince more miserable than thyself. There was a celebrated king among the Nishadhas, named Virasena. He hada son named Nala, versed in (the knowledge of) virtue and wealth. It hath been heard by us that, that king was deceitfully defeated by Pushkara, and afflicted with calamity, he dwelt in the woods with his spouse. And, O king, while he was living in the forest, he had neither slaves nor cars, neither brothers nor friends with him, But thou art surrounded by thy heroic brothers like unto the celestials, and also by foremost regenerate ones like unto Brahma himself. Therefore, it behoveth thee not to grieve.’

“Yudhishthira said, ‘Iam anxious to hear in detail, O thou foremost of eloquent men, the history of the illustrious Nala. It behoveth thee therefore to relate it unto me.’”