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Narada replied, Listen, O Maghavat, why seest not thou the kings (now)? The ruler of the Vidarbhas hath a daughter—the celebrated Damayanti. In beauty she transcendeth all the women of the earth. Her Swayamvara, O Sakra, will take place shortly. Thither are going all the kings and princes from all directions, And all the lords of the earth desire to have that pearl of the earth,—desire to have her eagerly, O slayer of Vala and Vritra.’ And while they were talking thus, those foremost of the immortals, the Lokapalas with Agni among them, appeared before the lord of the celestials. And all of them heard the words of Narada fraught with grave import. And as soon as they heard them, they exclaimed in rapture, We also will go there. And, O mighty monarch, accompanied by their attendants and mounted on their (respective) vehicles, they set out for the country of Vidarbhas, whither (had gone) all the kings. And, O son of Kunti, the high-souled king Nala also hearing of that concourse of kings, set out with a cheerful heart, full of Damayanti’s love. And (it came to pass) that the gods saw Nala on the way treading on the earth. And his form owing to its beauty was like that of the god of love himself. And beholding him resplendent as the sun, the Lokapalas were filled with astonishment at his wealth of beauty, and abandoned their intention. And, O king, leaving their cars in the sky, the dwellers of heaven alighted from the welkin, and spake unto the ruler of the Nishadhas, saying, ‘O foremost of monarchs ruling the Nishadhas, O Nala, thou art devoted to truth. Do thou help us, O best of men, be thou our messenger.’”


(Nalopakhyana Parva continued)

“Vrishadaswa continued, ‘O Bharata, Nala pledged his word to the celestials saying, ‘I will do it’. And then approaching these, he asked with folded hands, ‘Who are ye? And who also is he that desireth me to be his messenger ? And what, further, shall I have to do for you? O tell me truly !'—When the king of the Nishadhas spoke thus, Maghavat replied, saying, ‘Know us as the immortals come hither for Damayanti's sake. I am Indra, this one is Agni, this, the lord of waters, and this, O king, is even Yama the destroyer of the bodies of men. Do thou inform Damayanti of our arrival, saying, ‘The gurdians of the world, (consisting of) the great Indra and the others, are coming to the assembly, desirous of beholding (the Swayamvara). The gods, Sakra and Agni and Varuna and Yama, desire to obtain thee. Do thou, therefore, choose one of them for thy lord.’ Thus addressed by Sakra, Nala said with joined hands, ‘I have come here with the self same object. It