Page:The Maharaja of Cashmere.djvu/14

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[ vi ]

of the assessment — Wishes them peace and prosperity — The Maharaja's strong desire to ameliorate their condition — Mr. Wingate's testimony in His Highness's favour and against his officials— Conclusions from Mr. Wingate's testimony — Investiture of the Maharaja with the insignia of the Star of India — The Resident's speech — Address to the Maharaja by his subjects — Its value as shewing their sentiments towards him — The Maharaja returns to Jummu — Valedictory reception and entertainment to Lord Roberts — Their justification — High compliment paid by Lord Roberts to the Maharaja's loyalty and services — The Maharaja's capacity for sustained work — Lord Roberts' farewell entertainment at Lahore — The Maharaja joins it — His reasons — He wins golden opinions.

Part III.—page 114.

The Maharaja's reverses were not of his own seeking — were due to causes beyond his control — Mr. Plowden's recommendation to set aside the Maharaja