Page:The Maharaja of Cashmere.djvu/189

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cause. The Maharaja thus expressed himself on the point in his letter to Lord Lansdowne four years and a half ago—'Now, to put it very plainly, I have never "up to this time enjoyed complete independence of action in State affairs — some sort of pressure or other has always been put upon me since my accession to the throne, and I have never been free to administer the State according to my internal satisfaction. Under such circumstances, it has been very cruel indeed to hold me perso7ially responsible for any maladministration and punish me severely as a criminal.' The Maharaja then added — 'If your Excellency really wants to make me responsible for the administration of the State, (and I am very glad and ready to take such responsibility on my head), 1 would", ask to be a responsible ruler. In spite of what has been represented against me about my incapacity &c. &c., I would ask your Excellency to give me a fair trial in order to see what I do for the furtherance [ of the wishes ] of