Page:The Maharaja of Cashmere.djvu/19

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IN attempting, a second time, an exposition of the affairs of Cashmere, I have studiously kept clear of controversial matters as far as possible. My whole object has been to state plainly the just case of the Maharaja and to press it upon the attention of His Excellency the Viceroy. Keeping this object in view, I have put together a few facts and arguments which, I confidently hope, will meet with His Excellency's kind perusal and consideration. The Maharaja has suffered too long already, and it will redound to the lasting glory of Lord Lansdowne if, before leaving India, he reverses the doom with which His Highness was visited four years and a half ago. I trust I have been able to shew, in the course of these pages, that the Maharaja amply deserves its reversal.

As a loyal subject of the British Gov-