Page:The Maharaja of Cashmere.djvu/28

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conquest of India, this order of things underwent a complete change. The major part of the country passed directly under British rule, which has hitherto employed a strictly foreign agenc}^ in carrying on the administration and has been very much foreign in its characteristics and incidents. Security of person and property was speedily established, but for a time all political advancement of the native population received a sudden and unprecedented check. Previous to 1833, a man of the world-wide reputation for learning and ability like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, who under native domination would have aspired to and perhaps reached the highest posts, could gain no higher dignity under the British Government than a District Collector's Sherishtadarship. Things have since undergone a change for the better and some native gentlemen have been promoted even to High Court judgships ; yet it would lead to sheer disappointment to expect a Salar Jung or a Madhava Rao in British India.