Page:The Maharaja of Cashmere.djvu/34

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there is any form of decentralisation more useful than that which leaves the domestic affairs of a large portion of the country to the management of its own people.' These pregnant remarks of His Excellency will find an echo in every reasonable mind* There are no doubt Native States and Native States, but it is in the interest of them all that, while they should enjoy perfect liberty in the management of their internal affairs, they should live and grow in the full hght of enlightened pubhc opinion. This would purify their atmosphere where it is infected and show, at the same time, that we can still boast of a Mysore, a Travancore and a Baroda, v/hose government, managed by able native rulers and administrators, may compr-e favourably when placed in juxtaposition with even. British rule.

But there is one more consideration, as powerful as the others, in favour of the Native States and their continuance, and this consideration weighs equally with the people and the Paramount Power. Senti-