Page:The Maharaja of Cashmere.djvu/45

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The temporary deposition of Maharaja Protap Singh of Jummu and Cashmere took place in April 1889. It was based upon an 'edict of resignation' which purported to delegate the ruling power to a council for a period of 5 years. The Maharaja had inserted certain stipulations in the edict favourable to himself, but these were declared 'inconvenient' by the Government of India; and as it would have been 'embarrassing' to agree to the edict as it stood, it was treated 'as a confession of incapacity for the rule of the state,' and the action against the Maharaja was sanctioned on 'general grounds.' *[1]

These 'general grounds' may be summarised in the following words of His Excellency the Viceroy, who addressing the Maharaja said—'Your Highness is

  1. * Vide letter of Government of India to the Secy, of State dated 3rd April 1889.