Page:The Maharaja of Cashmere.djvu/92

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The events just chronicled took place in Cashmere in November 1891. A few days later, the Maharaja returned to Jummu. He had been deposed in April 1889, so nearly two years and a half had expired before his partial restoration by Lord Lansdowne. During all this period, the Maharaja had had no hand in the administration of his own territories, but had passed his time merely as an on-looker, fretting and chafing at the affronts and indignities which his opponents had never missed an opportunity to heap upon him. A born Prince and the rightful ruler of his state, his position could not have failed to be most galling to him, however much he might have tried to keep up appearances and maintain an attitude of composure and dignity. But he was no longer a mere spectator, but was now an actual participator in the cares of state, and the seclusion by which