Page:The Making of Latin.djvu/145

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Oscan, 9 (cf. 150, 180 (2), 188, 191)

Participial endings:
English -d, Latin -tus, Greek τός, Sansk. -tás, 60 (2) (b), 70
Participle, Timeless, 233
Participles, Passive, 232, p. 128
Passive, Latin and Keltic, 311, p. 12
——— Infinitives, 201, 214, 316 f., 322
——— meaning, Verbs with, 291
Perfect, 295, 314
——— Subjunctive, 306
Phonetic Law, 10, 11, 12; pp. 12–13
Plosives, 35 ff.
Pluperfect, 303
——— Subjunctive, 307
Polish, p. 127
Portuguese, rise of, 3
Praeneste, brooch of, p. 11
Prefixes, 221
Present Stems, 274 ff.
Subjunctives, 283
Proclitics, 63
Pro-ethnic, meaning of, 3
Pronouns, Personal, 273
Pronunciation, Latin, 81
Provençal, rise of, 3
Publius Clodius, 114

Reduplication, in Perfects, 297 f.
———, in Presents, 282 (2)
Re-formation, 125
Retroformates, 22
Rig-Veda, 5
Romance Languages, 3, 208
Root-Nouns, 223
Roots, 221
Rough Breathing, 53
Roumanian, 3
Russian, p. 127

Sabine, 9, 263 (cf. 178)
Sanskrit, 5
Sardinian, 3
‘Schwa,’ (ə), 29
Shortening of ū́ 111
——— of vowels before final -r and -t, 130; elsewhere, 106 f.
Slavonic, 4, p. 127 (cf. 177, 183, 193)
Sonants, 30
Sound-shift, first and second, 61
Southern English, 34, 45
Spanish, 3
Spelling, 23
Stems of Nouns and Verbs, 222
Stress Accent, 64
Subjunctives, Imperfect, 283
———, Present, 283
Defined, 221
Of Adjectives; Comparative, 252
———, Superlative, 254
———, Others in Latin, 232, 237, 243, 246, 251 ff., 292
——— in Greek, 256
Of Adverbs in general, 265 ff.
——— -ātim, 269
——— -iter, 270
Of Case; Instrumental, 267
Of Nouns,
Ending in Vowels, 226
——— see also --, 231
-io-, 259
-ti-, 70
Ending in Consonants, 242 ff
Denoting Agent, 247
——— Instrument, 248
——— Place, 250 a
——— Relationship, 250
——— Sex, 212