Page:The Making of Latin.djvu/31

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of air passes, and producing another sound. Thus we get what are called Consonant i and Consonant u, conveniently written and , always in combination with a vowel. These sounds differ very little from those represented by the English letters y and w (§ 45). For instance the English word way begins with and ends with , and would be strictly spelt u̯ei̯. Eng. yes begins with consonant i and Eng. low ends with consonant . The sounds might be strictly classed as a weak kind of Fricative (§ 35). Hence i and u are sometimes called Semi-Vowels to suggest their use both as Sonants and as Consonants.

§ 33. Where the current of air is only modified by receiving a vibration from the tongue we get the Liquids, r when the tip of the tongue is vibrated, and l when the sides of the tongue are vibrated; to produce l the front of the tongue is generally set fast against the teeth or palate. Eng. and Lat. r and l are both made with Voice. In modern English the Vibration of r has become very weak, and at the end of a syllable it is hardly heard at all unless a vowel follows.

§ 34. This vibration may be short and followed immediately by a vowel; in this case we have Consonant r and Consonant l. But the vibration may be prolonged so as to make a syllable; in this case we have Sonant r and Sonant l, conveniently written and . These sounds are very common in English, though they are spelt in many ways. The last sound of the words collar, brother, Cheshire, motor is (or, at least was) a Sonant r, though in Southern English it has sunk to little more than the neutral