Page:The Man in the Iron Mask.djvu/110

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with the keys of the city, and invited him to enter the H6tel de Ville, in order to partake of the wine of honor. The king, who expected to pass through the city and to proceed to Vaux without delay, became quite red in the face from vexation.

  • 'Who was fool enough to occasion this delajr?" muttered

the king, between his teeth, as the chief magistrate was in the middle of a long address.

^^Not I, certainly," replied D'Artagnan, *'but I believe it was Monsieur Colbert."

Colbert, having heard his name pronounced, said:

    • What was Monsieur d'Artagnan good enough to say?"
    • I was good enough to remark that it was you who

stopped the king's progress, so that he might taste the vin de Brie. Was I right?"

'^Quite so, monsieur."

"In that case, then, it was you whom the king called some name or other."

"What name?"

"I hardly know; but wait a moment — idiot, I think it was — no, no; it was fool or stupid. Yes; his majesty said that the man who had thought of the vin de Melun was something of the sort."

D'Artagnan, after this broadside, quietly caressed his mustache; M. Colbert's large head seemed to become larger and larger than ever. D'Artagnan, seeing how ugly anger made him, did not stop halfway. The orator still went on with his speech, while the king's color was visibly increas- ing.

^^Mordioux!" said the musketeer coolly, "the king is going to have an attack of determination of blood to the head. Where the deuce did you get hold of that idea. Monsieur Colbert? You have no luck."

"Monsieur," said the financier, drawing himself up, "my zeal for the king's service inspired me with the idea.


"Monsieur, Melun is a city, an excellent city, which pays well, and which it would be imprudent to displease."

"There, now! I, who do not pretend to be a financier, saw only oue idea in your idea."

"What was that, monsieur?"

"That of causing a little annoyance to Monsieur Fouquet, who is making himself quite giddy on his donjons yonder, in waiting for us."

This was a home-stroke, hard enough, in all conscience.