Page:The Marriage Laws of Soviet Russia (1921).pdf/47

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tion of said state by reason either of death or a declaration by the court that one of the parties to the said marriage shall be deemed to be dead.

102. The petition asking for a dissolution of marriage by divorce shall state by what surname the parties to the marriage shall be known thereafter. In default of an agreement between them on this question, the divorced persons shall be known respectively by the surname which each of them bore prior to their marriage.

103. If the parties to a marriage shall be of different citizenship, provided that one of the parties is a Russian citizen, the change in citizenship, if any, shall be made only in accordance with the wishes expressed by the bridegroom or the bride pursuant to the general rules relating to citizenship.

104. The change of residence by one of the parties to a marriage shall not impose an obligation upon the other party to follow the former.

105. Marriage does not establish community of property between the married persons.

106. Married persons may enter into mutual lawful contracts pertaining to their property. Agreements concluded between married persons tending to impair the rights of the husband or the wife over his or her properties shall be deemed void and not binding upon any person whatsoever including the parties to said agreements.

107. A party to a marriage incapacitated for any work and in a state of need (i.e. unable to provide the minimum living expenses) shall be entitled to receive support from the other party