Page:The Master of Mysteries (1912).djvu/131

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"No, he wasn't there; but another man was; and, though it was evident that Mrs. Lorsson considers him eligible and is trying to make a match of it, Ruth hates him. Of course you or any bright woman could have seen that as well as I."

"Then how did you find out specifically?"

"Why, in a surreptitious way, I must admit. You know that Mrs. Lorsson wanted to exploit me as the latest fad, and she insisted that I should come in costume. Very well, I was willing to oblige. Mrs. Larsson is rich and influential, and I made out my bill accordingly.

"Well, I was shown up into Miss Ruth's room to dress. There on her secretary I happened to see her blotter covered with figures. If it had been writing, I shouldn't have read it; but I confess that that list of numbers piqued my curiosity, and I looked at it. It wasn't a sum, or anything like that. It occurred to me at first glance that it was a cipher. I don't know why—perhaps because the thing seemed so meaningless. At any rate, it interested me, and I made a copy. Here it is."

He pulled out a note-book and showed Valeska the list:

3 36 91    
4 36 91   2 101 91
5 36 91   43 98 91

1 81 91   8 341 91
11 61 91   71 96 91


"What do you make of it?"