Page:The Master of Mysteries (1912).djvu/28

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his wife for good and all; or rather for evil, perhaps."

"We'll soon find out," said Astro. "We'll go up and call on him this afternoon."

"What! Have you found out where he is already?"

"I'm inclined to think he's living, temporarily at least, at 198 East Thirty-ninth Street."

"With that girl?" Valeska's eyes blazed.

"Not at all. The only trouble with him is that he loves his wife too much."

Valeska still stared. "That isn't likely, there are very few men like that nowadays. But I'm very much relieved; for I rather liked the Vivian girl's face; it's attractive."

"Yes," Astro assented, "and Hudson is paying her to be attractive. He has a good business head, this man Hudson. But we must find out first what is the cause of the death of Professor Dove."

"Why, who is he?"

"He is the man whose body is now lying in the morgue."

"How did you find that out?"

"Look at this," said Astro. He pointed to an advertisement in The Swastika:


Get into your own Vibration; develop your latent faculties, inherent possibilities; and develop your power, health, success, beauty, and love. Send 50c with name and birth date for trial reading and Vibratory Curve. Prof. Dove, 198 East 39th-St., N. Y.

"And that's what those curves are for, then?" Valeska asked.