Page:The Master of Mysteries (1912).djvu/329

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"Oh, I'll wait a long time to get back the family luck, bad or good," she said.

Astro shut his eyes and remained silent for a time. Then he shuddered, put his hand to his head, and said slowly, "I get the name Allen. Allen Street, that's it. And I see a man in a blue coat guarding it. He has brass buttons oh, yes, he's a policeman." He shuddered again, and appeared to come to himself. "What did I say?" he asked ingenuously.

Miss Merrington repeated his words.

"Oh, that must mean the detective bureau," said Astro.

"It's perfectly wonderful—at least, if it turns out so!" the woman exclaimed. "I can't wait to find out, though I don't see what I can do. I haven't lost any opal, and I can't pretend to. I only know the old story about the 'Luck of the Merringtons' as my father told it to me. You see, grandfather never told in his letter just what it was. No doubt he was afraid of being robbed of it. But there's one other question I'd like to ask you. I have an older brother who went to Mexico two months ago, and we have had only two letters from him. Can you tell me where he is now?"

"His name is Henry, isn't it?"

Miss Merrington stared. "Why—yes! How did you know?"

"It's my business to know such things," said Astro. "Your brother has had an accident but is not seriously hurt. You will hear from him in a very short time."

"An accident!" Miss Merrington's face paled. "That frightens me dreadfully! Do you know," she went on, "somehow, what happened to my grandfather