Page:The Master of Mysteries (1912).djvu/33

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"He died at about the same time you disappeared from home."

Hudson turned white. "Great God! You don't suspect me of anything?"

"I'd like to have you explain a few things, that's all," was the quiet response.

"Who are you?" The old man had pulled himself together now, and was more defiant.

"My dear sir," said the Seer calmly, "I am one who has been sent by your wife to discover your whereabouts. As I said, that mission is now accomplished. At the same time you must admit that the circumstances in which I find you are suspicious. You have just escaped from Professor Dove's office, and Professor Dove now lies unidentified in the morgue. You are in possession of a considerable sum of money, recently acquired. You are, moreover, found in the company of a very pretty young woman. Surely all this will interest Mrs. Hudson. It remains for you to say how much of it I shall report."

Hudson trembled violently and put his face in his hands. "Oh, my God! you mustn't tell her! You can't! I'm innocent of any crime, so help me God! Wait! Come up to the office, and I'll explain it all."

Astro and Valeska retraced their steps in company with the fugitive, and soon found themselves before the office door. All was dark. Hudson gave three knocks, paused, and then delivered another. The door was opened silently. Miss Vivian stood before them in a dim light. At sight of the two strangers she staggered back.

"Oh!" she cried in alarm. "Are you arrested, Mr. Hudson?"