Page:The Master of Mysteries (1912).djvu/452

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"Oh, no; I was so frightened I didn't dare to. I waited a minute till I heard the door slam: then I opened the door to the side hall and ran down-stairs."

"You saw nobody?"

"Not a soul."

"Was the elevator there?"

"Oh, I didn't look! I only wanted to get away as fast as I could. I was afraid that I was going to be suspected and arrested. You see, I knew there was a pistol in the private office, for Mr. Middlebury had shown it to me one day. I thought that if he threatened me I might use it to protect myself with."

"Yes, and that's exactly what you did do, I'm thinking," said McGraw gruffly.

Valeska took Miss Wilson's hand affectionately and pressed it. "Don't be afraid, my dear," she said.

With this friendly help the girl became more calm.

Astro, calm and picturesque, the cape of his Inverness thrown negligently across his shoulder, scrutinized the girl keenly for a few moments. His eyes passed over every detail of her costume, analyzed every feature. He was standing so, mysterious, potent, inscrutable, when his face changed suddenly.

"Do you remember, Miss Wilson, whether there was a small calendar pinned to the wall by the door there when you came in?"

She looked up, her eyes still streaming. "Why, yes, I'm sure there was. That is, I stuck it to the wall with a thumb-tack yesterday, and I don't remember its having been taken down." She looked at him in surprise at his question.

The door opened again, and the doctor, who had obtained a key to another of the elevators, coming up