Page:The Master of Mysteries (1912).djvu/457

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own confession you were in the office of Mr. Middlebury at the time he was shot."

"In the inner office, I was," she ejaculated.

"In the inner office, where there was found a revolver with one cartridge used," added Astro.

The girl nodded, her face pale.

"You have confessed to Dennis, here, that Mr. Middlebury had kissed you and that you were offended. You have confessed that he made a proposal of marriage to-night that you suspected was false and only a game to fool you with."

"Oh, but I'm sure now he was sincere!" Miss Wilson cried. "I am sure he loved me! I'm sorry I suspected him of anything ungentlemanly!"

"Nevertheless, there was a scuffle. He attempted to take your hand. You escaped to the inner room where the revolver was kept."

"Only to wash my hands!" she wailed.

"Your story is too flimsy," said Astro, his voice suddenly grown harsh, as he turned to McGraw. "Officers, I charge Miss Wilson with the crime of murder! Arrest her and handcuff her!"

Valeska, who had sprung up in surprise and indignation, opened her lips to protest. McGraw, instead of moving forward, had taken a step backward, when Dennis, the elevator boy, jumped up and seized Astro's arm.

"Don't arrest her, don't!" he shrieked. "I done it myself!"

"You done it?" McGraw echoed.

"Yes! Arrest me!" and the boy held out his wrists imploringly.