Page:The Maurayan Polity.djvu/6

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Chap. Page

V. The Central Administration — (Contd.)

Section i. The Military System . . 177

Section ii. Foreign Policy . . 179

Section iii. Ethics of War . . 186

Section iv. The Organisation of the Army . . 189

Section v. The War OflSce . . 192

Section vL Condition . . 195

VI. Provincial and Local Governments

Section i. A general survey . . 197

Section ii. Local Administration in the

Kautaliya . . 204

Section iii. The Government of the Provinces 208

Section iv. Mauryan Civil Service . . 222

Section v. Administration of Towns . . 228

Vn. Mauryan State in Relalion to. Diaraia

Section i. The conc^t of DhaJ^ra^'* > . 241

Section ii. Dharma and the State ! . . 245

Section iii. Asoka’s Dharma . . 250

Section iv. Personal Religion of Candragupta

Maurya , . 260

Section v. ASoka’s Personal Religion . . 276


I. The Authenticity of the Kautaliya

II. Megasthenes and Kautalya m. Is Artha^stra Secular?

IV. Kautalya’s Imperialism

Books consttlted Index