Page:The McClure Family.djvu/106

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The following letter was dictated:

"Indianola, Iowa, Dec. 16, 1866.

Dear Brother.

Your welcome letter was received in due time and read with much interest. I was truly glad to hear you was yet among the living and enjoying such a good degree of health. Myself and family are enjoying moderate health. I am able to go about the place. I have been able to do but little for several years. I have been afflicted with a heart disease for several years and have lost my hearing to such an extent that I am not able to understand well, ordinary conversation. My wife is also failing very much; old age with its attendant infirmities has stolen upon us. I will now give you a brief history of myself and family. I first settled in Clinton County, Ind., and in a few years removed to Howard County, Ind., and lived there several years. I had several severe attacks of fever of different kinds and some of the family were sick almost all the time. I lost a great deal of stock by disease and finally became dissatisfied with the country, sold out and came to Iowa and settled where I now live, about six miles from Indianola. My oldest son, James Alexander, died twelve years ago. My oldest daughter, Elizabeth Fulton, is married and living in White County, Ind. Mary Ann, my next daughter, married Mr. J. P. West, is living near Virginia City, Nevada. Thos. Mitchel is married and living near by (our farms join). Abigal Caroline married a Mr. Owen, is living about a mile from me Amos Harrison is married and living near me (our farms join). Sarah Jane married a Mr. Trimble, is living about a mile from me. I have two sons at home yet, Francis Asbury and Hosea Andrew; two sons died when small, John and William. I had one son, Amos Harrison, who served three years in the war and returned home safe. We sympathize with you in the loss of your sons, we know something of the feelings such a sad less occasion. I own a good farm here and have a comfortable home where I expect to