Page:The McClure Family.djvu/117

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I, John Caldwell, do herby certify that I was born in the year 1755; that I first became acquainted with Samuel McClure, who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration in the year 1778. That in the year 1780 I was drafted as a militiaman under Capt. Long. That I served several months in the Revolutionary war against the British; that said Samuel McClure served also for some months to my certain knowledge, but I cannot at this day say how long. I knew him three or four years before we served together. I knew him afterwards in Tennessee and also since he resided in the State of Illinois. I have never heard any doubts expressed as to his services. I am seventy-eight years old and the said Samuel McClure is several years older than I am. I remember hearing of the defeat of Samuel McClure and his party on their way to Kentucky while I was at Richmond, in Virginia.

Subscribed and sworn to in open court the day and year aforesaid.

John Caldwell.

State of Illinois, Sct.
Clark County,

This day personally appeared before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Clark and State of Illinois, Samuel McClure who, being first duly sworn according to law, deposeth and saith that, by reason of old age and the consequent loss of memory, he cannot swear positively as to the precise length of his services, but, according to the best of his recollection, he served not less than the period mentioned below and in the following grades, to-wit: I served as a private in the year seventeen hundred and seventy-four, a period of three months and sixteen days under Capt. George Mathews against the Indians, six nations.

And I served a period of three mouths in the next year (1775) against the Indians under Captain Wm. Anderson. And I also served three months as a mounted Rifleman against the British under Captain Thomas Smith.

I also served two tours of three months each under Capt. Johnson against the British, when we drove Lord Corn-