Page:The McClure Family.djvu/124

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at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly estate, wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and forever: I give and bequeath to Rebekah, my beloved wife, my plantation whereon I now live, with all the profits and advantages accruing therefrom by cultivation to her and her children during her life, and at my wife's death I give and bequeath to my two little daughters, Eleanor Wright McClure and Polly McClure, the said plantation to be equally divided between them, and to be freely possessed and enjoyed by them and their heirs forever.

Also I give and bequeath to my two little sons, James Allen and Andrew, my plantation contained in two deeds and lying on Howard's Creek in Clark County, to be equally divided between them in quantity and quality, and to be freely possessed by them and their heirs forever, together with all the advantages accruing therefrom from now and henceforward. Also my two negroes, Isam and Doll, I grant and allow to be set at liberty, if from the judgment of their owners and the Executors, they shall have served truly and faithfully; Isam until the age of thirty-five years and Doll thirty-three.

Also my cash and cash bonds I give and bequeath to my two sons, James Allen and Andrew, to be speedily put to interest and kept for the use of their education.

Also my negro girl, Doll, I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife, Rebekah, during her servitude; likewise my negro boy, Isam, as long as she remains single, but after marriage I allow the boy to be hired during his servitude and his wagas applied for the use of the education of my children.

Also I allow ten pounds of the arrearages due to me on Howard's Creek, when it can be collected, to be put into the hands of the Transylvania Presbytery for Charitable purposes. **********