Page:The McClure Family.djvu/157

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e. Henry C., b. Fayette County, Ala., June 2, 1850, and died in Palo Pinto County, Texas, October 9, 1889.

As further proof of my conclusion, a Skidmore family lived in Rockingham County, neighbors to the McClures. (See McClures in N. C.)

Green, in "Historic Families," states that Robert and William McClure of Kentucky were brothers of Ann and Jane Logan. If so, they were younger brothers, born after 1748.

VI. Robert McClure is mentioned in Augusta County records (Chalkley, vol. III, p. 144) as a member of Capt. John Gilmore's company in his expedition against the Cherokees, 1778.

The Revolutionary War records at Washington, D. C, show that he served as Sergeant in a Virginia infantry regiment. Collins' History of Kentucky, vol. II, p. 554, speaks of him as being in Lincoln County, Ky., 1784, and the Richmond, Va., records show that he received, Feb. 1, 1795, by virtue of two treasury warrants, 29,300 acres in Harrison County, Ky. Is mentioned as being in Ohio County, Ky., June 9, 1796.

VII. William McClure was a soldier of the Revolution, as shown by the Washington, D. C., and Virginia records. Emigrated to Kentucky, settling at Stanford, Lincoln County, in 1789. Through the interest of his personal friend, Gen. Benj. Logan, moved to Shelby County. (See Collins, vol. II, p. 474.) Wife, Rebecca. Among their children were:

1. Jane Allen McClure, b. Sept. 3, 1783, was living June, 1871. She married a Stuart; parents of the late Judge James Stuart, of Owensboro, Ky.

2. Robert McClure. No record.

C. Pateick McClure, mentioned once in Chalkley, vol. III, p. 25. "June 17, 1752, Martha Mahan's bond as administratrix of Patrick McClure, with sureties Patrick Martin, Wm. McFeeters." Probably the father of Patrick McClure, a Revolutionary soldier from Virginia. Martha Mahan was doubtless his wife.