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her 46th year. Every one of her children is a member of the Presbyterian church. Two of her sons, Uncas and William, are ministers of the gospel, the former in Arkansas, the latter in Kentucky; two, Oscar and Thomas, are ruling elders in the church at O'Fallon, Mo., and two, Arthur and Louis, are deacons in the O'Fallon and the Dardenne churches respectively. One son, Curtis, resides near the old home and the youngest, Robert, is a teacher in South Dakota. The surviving daughter, Susan, married Rev. Wm. McCarty, who died in 1901.

Such a record speaks for itself. Mrs. McCluer was a woman of rare attainments. Her home was ordered with wisdom and fidelity. She was a diligent student of the Scriptures and held with intelligent conviction the system of doctrine taught in the Westminiser Confession of Faith. In the rearing of her family she was careful to inculcate the truths of the Scriptures—endeavoring to instill those sound principles of religion which regulate the life. Her aim was to train her children by precept and example rather than by simple compulsion. She was a life-long reader of good literature, both religious and secular, and was well informed about the great issues in the church and in the State. Her greatest interest in things beyond her own community was in Missions, Home and Foreign. For the great work of propagating the gospel in the world at large she prayed, and to this cause gave liberally of her means. To the last of her extreme age she retained full possession of her mental faculties and talked with interest about the subjects which had so long been foremost in her mind. He death was peaceful—a fitting close to a life of Christian service.

In this age of progressive ideas let us remember that some ideas have been fixed for us in the Word of God, and that among them is that of a true, godly woman. The memory of such a one let us cherish and let us hope and pray that God will continue to raise up those who in the home and in the church will promote His glory.

a. Rev. Uncas McCluer d. at Little Rock, Ark., Aug.