Page:The McClure Family.djvu/56

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clever little rebel wife and baby? In a word, how are you all, is a question I would love to have answered.

I wish you to especially remember me to each and every one of these, but above all, to Aunt and Cousin Sally; tell Tom his baby must be named Andrew Johnson. Or See Some More (Seymour).

When you have an opportunity to do so remember me to Andrew & familey in Staunton, and especially to Phebe; poor child, for a long while after I left Andrew's I could scarce fail to think of her & her affliction. My kindest regards and compliments to Mr. Bumgardner & family. All of whom were verry kind to me when in Greenville. I will, I think, be at home in December and probably go to Washington. Soon after which, if I do, I will try to again give myself the pleasure of a visit to your hospitable roof.

With love to all and assurance of my highest respect and esteem, I have the honor to be verry truly your obdt. servt

JAMES WHITE, U. S. Consul.

Matamoras, Mexico.

Mr. John McClure.

There were several children. Among them:

a. James White, Jr., who m. a Miss Lincoln of Marion, Va., now lives in Oklahoma,—the parents of Lincoln and James White, (3rd.) Mattie Lee, a star graduate of the Mary Baldwin Seminary, Staunton, Va., now married and living in Walla Walla, Wash., Margaret and others.
b. Ida White, who now lives near Rogersville at the old White homestead, which is the site of the first house built by James McClure on settling in Tenn.
(10). Martha, b. Sept. 4, 1836, d. Sept. 22, 1901. She corresponded as long as she lived with her first cousin, M. T. McClure, of Spottswood, Va.

2. Mary McClure, b. in Augusta county 1791, emigrated to Russell County, Va., 1820, where she m. John M. Hendricks, of the same family as Vice-President Thomas A. Hendricks. Later moved to Calaway county, Mo. The following letters were written to her brother, John McClure.