Page:The McClure Family.djvu/74

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praisers are unsettled. Ephraim Dawson died last Winter, his estate will not seen be settled. So that all I shall shortly receive will be what I get from Orpurd who has paid for the first year and says he will soon pay the second. I wrote to you (perhaps a year past) that a proposal had been made concerning the purchase of your land, the man who wanted to buy it has not yet purchased and still desires to hear from you concerning Terms &c. Your Friend.


"Fairfield, July 31, 1832.

Dear Sir.

Cousin Jane requested me to write to you when I returned home and let you know how she was. I left the White Sulphur on the 23rd; she was then as well as could be expected. The water had a tendency to sicken her a good deal when she first used it, but after a few days it had a better effect. There was a great crowd, 210 persons, and many new arrivals. My mother and her wish my father to start so as to be there by the 13th August; they were well situated and appeared to enjoy themselves tolerable well. You must not forget to write to her once a week as she requests it of you. She had not heard a word from any of you from the time she left home. I wrote to Matthew Pillson a few days before I set out, which news you have received. She said that she would be glad that Matthew would go out and spend a week with them. I would be glad if he could go. We are all well.

Yours respectfully,


Mr. John McClure, Greenville, Va."

John Beaty was a friend and neighbor. The Beaty farm joining Old Providence Church, now owned by Samuel Finley McClure, was bought from the estate of John McClure.

"Dublin, Wayne County, Ia., Janr. 7th, 1832.

Dear Friend.

At my father's request I write you a few lines. We all landed in Ia. the 19th Oct. The old man had to stop in