Page:The McClure Family.djvu/95

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Sergt. McClure has always been a most faithful and exemplary officer.

This extraordinary application is submitted under the painful circumstances of the extreme illness of his aged mother, of which he has just received reliable intelligence.


Col. Com'ng 52nd Va. Reg't."

"Hd. Qrs Pegram's Brig., Dec. 16th, 1863.

Approved and respty forwarded.

JOHN PEGRAM, Brig. Gen'l."

"Head Qrs Early's Division, Dec. 16, 1863.

Respectfully forwarded and approved for 15 days to be counted as part of the regimental quota under G. O. 84.

HARRY T. HAYS, Brig. Gen. Comd'g."

"Hd. Qrs 2nd Army Corps, Dec. 17, 1863.

Respectfully forwarded and approved under Gen. Hays' endorsement.

R. S. EWELL, Lt. Gen'l."

"Hd. Qrs. A. N. Va., 17th Dec, 1863.

Respectfully returned as recommended by Gen'l Hays. By order of Gen'l Lee.

W. H. TAYLOR, A. A. G."

Entering the Confederate service as Com. Sergeant in Co. I., 52nd Va. Infantry, made up of men of Augusta Co., Sam'l A. Lambert, Captain; John B. Baldwin, Col., they were first attached to Gen. Edward Johnson's Brigade, afterwards com'd by Gen. Early, who was succeeded by Gen. Pegram. Stonewall Jackson's Corps.

He was on Nov. 23, 1861, commissioned Second Lieutenant:

"The Commonwealth of Virginia.

To M. Thompson McClure—Greeting:

Know you That from special trust and confidence reposed in your fidelity, courage and good conduct, our