Page:The Meaning of the Glorious Koran (1930).pdf/26

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that the time was up. He then withdrew, and the idolaters reoccupied the city.

In the eighth year of the Hijrah, hearing that the Byzantine emperor was gathering a force in Syria for the destruction of Al-Islâm, the Prophet sent three thousand men to Syria under the command of his freedman Zeyd.Mû'tah expedition The campaign was unsuccessful except that it impressed the Syrians with a notion of the reckless valour of the Muslims. The three thousand did not hesitate to join battle with a hundred thousand. When all the three leaders appointed by the Prophet had been killed, the survivors obeyed Khâlid ibn al-Walîd, who, by his strategy and courage, managed to preserve a remnant and return with them to Al-Madînah.

In the same year Qureysh broke the truce by attacking a tribe that was in alliance with the Prophet and massacring them even in the sanctuary at Mecca.Truce broken by Qureysh Afterwards they were afraid because of what they had done. They sent Abû Sufyân to Al-Madînah to ask for the existing treaty to be renewed and its term prolonged. They hoped that he would arrive before the tidings of the massacre. But a messenger from the injured tribe had been before him, and his embassy was fruitless.

Then the Prophet summoned all the Muslims capable of bearing arms and marched to Mecca.Conquest of Mecca Qureysh were overawed. Their cavalry put up a show of defence before the town, but were routed without bloodshed; and the Prophet entered his native city as conqueror. The inhabitants expected vengeance for their past misdeeds. The Prophet proclaimed a general amnesty. Only a few known criminals were proscribed, and most of those were in the end forgiven. In their relief and surprise, the whole population of Mecca hastened to swear allegiance. The Prophet caused all the idols which were in the sanctuary to be destroyed, saying: "Truth hath come; darkness hath vanished away;"[1] and the Muslim call to prayer was heard in Mecca.

In the same year there was an angry gathering of pagan tribes eager to regain the Ka'bah. The Prophet led twelve thousand men against them. At Ḥuneyn, in a deep ravine, his troops were ambushed by the enemy and almost put to flight.Battle of Ḥuneyn It was with difficulty that they were rallied to the Prophet and his bodyguard of faithful comrades who alone stood firm. But the victory, when it came, was complete

  1. XVII, 81.