Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/376

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Thou, Lord of infinite mercy! We glorify Thy name that two humble souls have this day, through Thy ordaining, through the love of Thy imparting, through the mutual self-surrender and devotion of Thy inspiring, been happilly, sacredly united in holy wedlock. We supplicate Thy blessings on them this day that they may be filled, inspired, illumined, occupied and engrossed with the holy sentiment of love, with the holy desire of pure, self-denying, self-realising, self-renewing devotion unto each other. May they point along the lines of Thy prescribing! May they realise the potency, the spell, the marvellous power of the Brahma Dharma that has made such a union possible, desirable! Diversified in race and language, belonging to various traditions and different surroundings, not attracted by allurements of power

  1. Of Mr. E. Subbu Krishnaiya and Miss Sudhamayi Ray (20-2-15).
  2. Of Mr. G. K. Gokhle (19-2-15).