Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/407

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and crystallised into vivid realities of remembered instance and example, make the life what it is, I’ich in principle and rich in practice.

Again, another characteristic of Pandit Sastri was that he was a man of invincible faith' — a man whose faith nothing could shake and subdue. Once he undertook a prolonged mission tour — starting from ■Calcutta, passing through Behar, old North- West Provinces, Lahore, Central India and tlie Bombay and Madras Presidencies and i-back again to Calcutta — all that taking three <nionths. And h(! began that great tour with the magnificent sum of six rupees in Ids pocket! He made his plans, he sketched out the details of the tour ; but he never asked him- self what money would be necessary. On his way to the Station, he goes along Cornwallis Street, calls at the Sadharan Samaj Office and asks the Secretary, “ I am going on a mission tour. Will you give me money ?” And the Secretary says, “ I have only six rupees.” "All right, give me that ; I will go as far as dhat can take me, and God will give me the