Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/409

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10 minutes to the time. Please come on.'*’ “ Yes, my friend, but 1. have no ticket.’* “ f have already purchased a ticket for y<»u, sir. Please come in.” Thus lie went; on and on, till he reached Lahore, met Sirdar Dayal Singh, who gave - him an escort and some money. And Pandit Sastri told me, “ When we had to part, w^e counted all the money we had. It w^as just enough for his ticket and mine. Thus (lod helped mo.” And he added. “ How is it Fatlnn’ Huller had to pray for his w'ants and 1 never prayed?” I said, ‘‘Your mission is itself a prayer.” He laughed and said, “ Yes, it is true.” That w'as the man of faith! He came to Madras. We opened his jK>rtmanteau. We found only two ragged shirts. We put in new shirts and he said, “ God Mess you.’’ A man hands him Bs. 10. “ Did you know' that I I'equii’ed it?” “ No, sir.” “ I am in the habit of sending ten rupees every month to tny mother, and today is the due date. God has sent these ten rupees.”

Thus he lived on the bounty of God, according to His favour, as it came every day. And