Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/445

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close attention was demanded by the momentous concerns of a great Estate like this could, nevertheless, remember those small concerns, minor details and little points which often, even with those who have not so much of preoccupation, so readily escape recollection. I never wrote a letter even on the most trifling matters but got a reply in due course. This capacity for varied and multifarious work which, according to some great thinkers, as the characteristic of genius was one of the distinguishing features of Subbarayadu also.

Whoever thought a life so pregnant with the possibilities of incalculable worth and unimaginable development would be thus cut short! I do not know how, but somehow feel that, after all, he was a martyr to his own sense of duty. He never spared himself. A single holiday he never knew. Leisure under any conditions he would not tolerate. Work was the very breath of his life. How to further the interests of the Estate, how to serve the best interests of him who stood in the triple relationship of the pupil whom ho