Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/54

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the destinies of the race and richer expectations of the promise and possibilities of the nation; in ampler visions of the manifestation of God in man and in nature and in more catholic appreciation of Truth as the universal revelation of the All-wise, in prompter willingness to combine and co-operate on the broad basis of humanity and in keener endeavour to further an all-round progress, is patent to all thoughtful and impartial observers. How the Theistic Church has fostered quite a host of Heaven-illumined souls that, from the days of Rammohan Roy to those of Ranade and Anandamohan Bose, have rendered yeoman’s service in the country’s cause in all directions, is now a matter of history. Such, in general terms, are the considerations that call forth our grateful thanks to the Great Giver of all good, that stamp the Theistic Church as a national movement of high aim and vast inherent power, and that place on us — individually and collectively — the sacred obligation of cheerfully and actively dedicating ourselves to be humble instruments of the Supreme Wielder of the destinies of nations.-